my little photo buddy
Conlin turns in his sleep, grasping his soother while Elliot lets out a little grunt. They are both sound asleep and Caden is in the awkward stage of feeling sluggish but not wanting to do anything about it. His mind is not on rest or quiet play, but instead on the snow outside. The snow which absolutely fascinates him. He runs to the window as it falls and begs to go out and build more snowmen then watches in dismay as the head of his previous snowman tumbles off from the warmth of the sun. More snow will fall I tell him, but we have to be patient. A hard thing for a boy his age. But he is satisfied to wait when I hand him the camera, show him how to peek through the top, and we head outside to tell the snow to ‘say cheese’. He would stay out all day if I let him but the babies are stirring and his little fingers are getting numb.
Stolen moments with just him, so precious to me, feeding into his curiosity and creativity. I hold those so close to my heart. Bonus for me…might have a future photography buddy? or three!